Monday, August 7, 2017

FRL Kicks Of Fall with FASCAR!

 Race fans get ready. The most exciting sim-stock car series returns for round two this September. FASCAR takes to the NASCAR tracks of Forza 6 with another 5 race mini-series for FRL drivers to participate in. Chevy, Ford and Toyota stock cars will square off once more on the high banks and high speed corners of tracks like Daytona, Watkins Glen and Indy.

 The series opens with a lights out, high octane, high speed event at the monster 2.5 mile oval at Daytona on September 10th.

 All cars entered must be bone-stock at R-833. Tire pressures and aero are adjustable. All other settings should be left as is.

 This series led to some of the best racing of the last year in the FRL last spring as 4 different drivers won in the 5 events ran. We look forward to even more participation as the NASCAR pack goes on sale from Turn 10 for just $5!!! Download your NASCAR pack now and drivers, 'start your engines!'